Link With Us

This page allows the easy exchange of adult site links between us and other adult web sites. If you are an adult site webmaster, simply fill in the form below and submit it to us. We will add your link to our links page, after verifying that you have a reciprocal link to us on your site.

Our link to you can be either a banner image (located on your server) or a text description. You must provide us with the site name, site URL, your email address, the URL of the page with the reciprocal link and either a text description or the URL for your banner image.

We require that you link to us with either one of the banner images you'll find at the bottom of this page or with the text "Australian Adult Video" and the description "Australia's leading internet retailer of adult Videos, DVDs, Toys and Magazines"

For your convenience, we have provided sample HTML at the bottom of this page for each of the three banner links and a text only link.

Please email us if you have any enquiries, including advertising, as we now provide advertising space in the category of your choice, or on the title of your choice.

The following fields require data
Site Name:
Site URL:
Webmaster Email:
Reciprocal URL:
One and only one of the following fields requires data
Description Text:
Banner URL:

Sample HTML for links:
<!-- Sample HTML for banner 1 -->
<a href=""><img src=
width="510" height="75" border="0" alt="Australian Adult
Video - Australia's leading internet retailer of adult Videos,
DVDs, Toys and Magazines"></a>

<!-- Sample HTML for banner 2 -->
<a href=""><img src=
width="510" height="75" border="0" alt="Australian Adult
Video - Australia's leading internet retailer of adult Videos,
DVDs, Toys and Magazines"></a>

<!-- Sample HTML for text link -->
<a href="">Australian Adult
Video</a> - Australia's leading internet retailer of adult
Videos, DVDs, Toys and Magazines

Banner Images:

Banner 1:
Aus Adult Video - Australia's leading internet retailer of adult Videos, DVDs, Toys and Magazines
Banner 2:
Aus Adult Video - Australia's leading internet retailer of adult Videos, DVDs, Toys and Magazines